Online Tool Verification Services

We verify the accuracy of online calculators, hypotheticals, and sales material. Our work is guaranteed. We provide attestation letters from a CPA, CFA, and securities lawyer.

Super Accurate and Trued-Up

Our math powers several regulatory tools. We can true-up your mutual fund, ETF, retirement, college, RMD, 529, mortgage and marital asset tools to the regulators’ tools.

Most online calculators are inaccurate. Errors stem from a naïve handling of factors and issues. They include expense ratio factoring, CDSC tolling, net return linking, share conversions, cost debiting, fee parsing, taxation rules, and turnover estimates, among others.

Proof? We found and fixed the errors to the right.

Clients receive truing algorithms, numeric and textual revisions, written reports, and audit letters.


Mutual Fund Cost Calculator Was Inaccurate

The A-share load was forgotten. Returns and expenses were not properly calculated. The results for this share were all wrong.


Share Class Suitability Calculator Was Inaccurate

CDSCs were improperly tolled and the B-to-A and C-to-A conversions were forgotten. The results for these shares were totally wrong.

“Retirement” Tool Was Mis-Labeled

This was just a basic future value applet that did not properly compound return. In fact, nothing concerned future savings, tax deferral, or tax deductions.

Required Minimum Distribution Tool Was Wrong

Text was incorrect, the wrong IRS tables were used, and the 70 ½ adjustment was improperly handled.

5 + 10 =


Our website, products, and services are only for executives of financial services firms. Individual investors should not contact us. Thank you for understanding.


Broker Village
1475 Catamount Road, Suite 100
Fairfield, CT 06824
